Shapito circus, Pushkino, Moscow region, Russia. 2019.10.05 and 2020.10.04 – these dates are coincidence. Shot on Insta360 One X in DNG, stitched with PTGui, processed in Lightroom and Photoshop.
2019.08.31. Two parades of steam locomotives (from different points) and a static exposition of the Pro//Motion.Expo exhibition. Scherbinka, near Moscow, Russia.
2019.04.26. Few stereo pairs of figurines in Secret cabinet of the National Archaeological Museum of Naples.
Shot on iPhone X in DNG.
If you are a Mac user: you should use XstereO Player to view this images. It is the most convenient way to view 3D pictures from the web pages ever made! Links you will find below (xstereo:*).
Cross-view stereo pairs:
Secret cabinet at the National Archaeological Museum of Naples, Italy, 2019.04.26 #
Secret cabinet at the National Archaeological Museum of Naples, Italy, 2019.04.26 #
The last museum and the last exhibition visited before global self-isolation 2020.02.28. The exhibition “Family Values” is something about the family, but I have my own interest here. Here they made cool interiors of Soviet apartments and quite accurately. It’s very funny to watch how my childhood is already a museum exhibit! Shot on iPhone X in HEIC.
If you are a Mac user: you should use XstereO Player to view this images. It is the most convenient way to view 3D pictures from the web pages ever made! Links you will find below (xstereo:*).
4 stereo pairs from a walk in the Kolomenskoye park in Moscow, Russia. We specifically took a bag of carrots for snowmen, made two our own, and shared the rest with others.
If you are a Mac user: you should use XstereO Player to view this images. It is the most convenient way to view 3D pictures from the web pages ever made! Links you will find below (xstereo:*).
Cross-view stereo pair:
My snowman, Kolomenskoye park, Moscow, Russia, 2020.02.01 #
My snowman, Kolomenskoye park, Moscow, Russia, 2020.02.01 #
2019.09.07 21:00-05. Hermitage Garden in Moscow. City Day Fireworks. Shot on iPhone in 240 fps. Sound was moved by 0,28 second (92м) to be in sync with picture. In slow version it is 2,23 sec!
Тут показаны 27 фотографий и карт из “Отчёта по испытаниям автомобилей Победа в 1948-1949”. Эти картинки – просто фотографии вклеенные в отчёт, так что отсканировать и почистить их большого труда не составило. Сам отчёт – это две машинописные книжки – Отчёт и Технический отчёт – там больше 100 страница со всякой технической информацией, не очень мне интересной, в отличие от фоток.
Вообще эту подборочку фоток можно было бы назвать “Типы дорог послевоенного СССР” включая “Дорогу с усовершенствованным покрытием (асфальт)” :-)
Из Отчёта по испытаниям автомобилей Победа, 1948-1949 #
Shot on iPhone X using Lightroom Mobile, Processed in Lightroom and aligned in Photoshop.
If you are a Mac user: you should use XstereO Player to view this images. It is the most convenient way to view 3D pictures from the web pages ever made! Links you will find below (xstereo:*).
Cross-view stereo pairs:
Territory of Russian Wooden Architecture museum (Mokhovaya (Moss) tower), Kolomenskoye park, Moscow, Russia, 2019.01.04 #
Territory of Russian Wooden Architecture museum (Mokhovaya (Moss) tower), Kolomenskoye park, Moscow, Russia, 2019.01.04 #
Central Children's Store at Lubyanka square in Moscow, Russia. Here are some panoramas that I stitched from RAW files from SJCAM SJ8 Pro action camera. Most of them consist of 3 shots. Crops with round corners are in fact bugs (I should shot wider). But it looks pretty interesting. Stitched using PTGUI. 2018.11.11 #
Дизайн-маркет Love Bazar на Artplay. На втором этаже можно было развлечь ребёнка, причём выбор развлечений был очень неплохой. На первом этаже можно было перекупить и чего-нибудь купить (рынок как рынок). 2018.11.10. Moscow, Russia #
И три кадра по дороге от Курской до Artplay. Сам Artplay, трамвайный тонель на Сыромятническом проезде, проход 4-ого Сыромятнического переулка под жд дорогой (станция электричек) #