This year I was able to process all of my 3D pictures from Rome!!! But they will be here only in mid-January. Happy New Year!
Until then you can see what is already here and captioned:
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A few cross-view stereo pairs:
2012.12.15, walls of Iosifo-Volotsky monastery, Moscow region, Russia
2012.12.15, walls of Iosifo-Volotsky monastery, Moscow region, Russia
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A few dance shots. Cross-view stereo pairs:
2012.11.25, dance competitions at the Airplane(Samoljot) clud, Moscow
2012.11.25, dance competitions at the Airplane(Samoljot) clud, Moscow
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2012.11.22. Vernisage (Opening day of the one more exhibition) in Vrubel Hall.
Cross-view stereo pair:
2012.11.22, Vrubel Hall of the Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow
2012.11.22, Vrubel Hall of the Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow
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