
Archive for January, 2014

New Moscow pedestrian zones in 3D: area around Tratjakovskaya

January 7th, 2014 No comments
If you are a Mac user: you should use XstereO Player to view this images.
It is the most convenient way to view 3D pictures from the web pages ever made! Links you will find below (xstereo:*).

Cross-view stereo pairs:

2013, Moscow, Russia, Tratjakovskaya, metro, square, street, new pedestrian zone, 3D, stereo pair, cross-eyed, crossview, cross view stereo pair, stereoscopic
New square near metro station Tratjakovskaya, Moscow, 2013.11.18. #
New square near metro station Tratjakovskaya, Moscow, 2013.11.18. #
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New Moscow pedestrian zones in 3D: along Bolshaya Dmitrovka street to Red Square

January 7th, 2014 No comments

This year for the Moscow was slightly unusual. A lot of streets in the city center became pedestrian zones. And they looks good.

If you are a Mac user: you should use XstereO Player to view this images.
It is the most convenient way to view 3D pictures from the web pages ever made! Links you will find below (xstereo:*).

Cross-view stereo pairs:

2013, Moscow, Russia, Bolshaya Big Dmitrovka, street, new pedestrian zone, 3D, stereo pair, cross-eyed, crossview, cross view stereo pair, stereoscopic
Bolshaya (big) Dmitrovka street, Moscow, 2013.11.18. #
Bolshaya (big) Dmitrovka street, Moscow, 2013.11.18. #
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