Here are the second part of the photographs from the short walk across the Twin Peaks, Upper Market, Dolores Heights and Castro districts.
If you are a Mac user: you should use
XstereO Player to view this images.
It is the most convenient way to view 3D pictures from the web pages ever made! Links you will find below (xstereo:*).
Cross-view stereo pairs:
Castro rainbow flag, San Francisco, USA, 2013.04.13
Castro rainbow flag, San Francisco, USA, 2013.04.13
Those 15°-20° inclination streets produces a very strong impression when they first met. And there are a huge areas of this kind of streets! Elizabeth St, Dolores Heights district, San Francisco, USA, 2013.04.13
Those 15°-20° inclination streets produces a very strong impression when they first met. And there are a huge areas of this kind of streets! Elizabeth St, Dolores Heights district, San Francisco, USA, 2013.04.13
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Here are the first part of the photographs from the short walk across the Twin Peaks, Upper Market, Dolores Heights and Castro districts.
If you are a Mac user: you should use
XstereO Player to view this images.
It is the most convenient way to view 3D pictures from the web pages ever made! Links you will find below (xstereo:*).
Cross-view stereo pairs:
along the Twin Peaks blvd, San Francisco, USA, 2013.04.13
along the Twin Peaks blvd, San Francisco, USA, 2013.04.13
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Some photographs from the Metropolitan museum of art and three shots from the Merchant’s House Museum at the end.
If you are a Mac user: you should use
XstereO Player to view this images.
It is the most convenient way to view 3D pictures from the web pages ever made! Links you will find below (xstereo:*).
Cross-view stereo pairs:
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, NYC, USA, 2013.04.09
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, NYC, USA, 2013.04.09
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If you are a Mac user: you should use
XstereO Player to view this images.
It is the most convenient way to view 3D pictures from the web pages ever made! Links you will find below (xstereo:*).
Cross-view stereo pairs:
American Museum of Natural History, NYC, USA, 2013.04.08
American Museum of Natural History, NYC, USA, 2013.04.08
American Museum of Natural History, NYC, USA, 2013.04.08
American Museum of Natural History, NYC, USA, 2013.04.08
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Rocky Mountains were almost clouds free on a recent flight from New York to San Francisco. Here you will see Wyoming, Utah, Nevada и California.
If you are a Mac user: you should use
XstereO Player to view this images.
It is the most convenient way to view 3D pictures from the web pages ever made! Links you will find below (xstereo:*).
Cross-view stereo pairs:
Rocky mountains, Wyoming, USA, 2013.04.11
Rocky mountains, Wyoming, USA, 2013.04.11
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There are excellent views along the route of the airplane from Moscow to New York in good weather. I made all this picture black and white because of shades of blue are not very well look after increasing the contrast.
If you are a Mac user: you should use XstereO Player to view this images. It is the most convenient way to view 3D pictures from the web pages ever made! Links you will find below (xstereo:*).
Cross-view stereo pairs:
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The tram line between Voykovskaya and Shukinskaya metro stations.
If you are a Mac user: you should use XstereO Player to view this images. It is the most convenient way to view 3D pictures from the web pages ever made! Links you will find below (xstereo:*).
Cross-view stereo pairs:
Tram line between Voykovskaya and Shukinskaya metro stations, Moscow, Russia, 2013.06.02
Tram line between Voykovskaya and Shukinskaya metro stations, Moscow, Russia, 2013.06.02
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If you are a Mac user: you should use XstereO Player to view this images. It is the most convenient way to view 3D pictures from the web pages ever made! Links you will find below (xstereo:*).
Cross-view stereo pairs:
new bicycles rent point at Pushkin square, Moscow, Russia, 2013.06.02
new bicycles rent point at Pushkin square, Moscow, Russia, 2013.06.02
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If you are a Mac user: you should use XstereO Player to view this images. It is the most convenient way to view 3D pictures from the web pages ever made! Links you will find below (xstereo:*).
Cross-view stereo pairs:
Asphalt near Vojkovskaya metro station, Moscow, Russia, 2013.06.01
Asphalt near Vojkovskaya metro station, Moscow, Russia, 2013.06.01
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Moscow, Sokolniki park, last sunday.
If you are a Mac user: you should use XstereO Player to view this images. It is the most convenient way to view 3D pictures from the web pages ever made! Links you will find below (xstereo:*).
Cross-view stereo pairs:
Old bikes in Sokolniki park, Moscow, Russia, 2013.06.09
Old bikes in Sokolniki park, Moscow, Russia, 2013.06.09
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Event from this sunday.
If you are a Mac user: you should use XstereO Player to view this images. It is the most convenient way to view 3D pictures from the web pages ever made! Links you will find below (xstereo:*).
Cross-view stereo pairs:
Old automobiles rally, Moscow, Russia, 2013.06.02
Old automobiles rally, Moscow, Russia, 2013.06.02
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April 4-th I saw Greenland first time, OK, very fast and from the airplane. Other airplane photographs will be 3D.
Greenland south coast, 2013.04.03
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